
Flexible, session-based and documentated console telegram bot boilerplate.

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How to create a command?

In TelegramBotBoilerplate commands are the classes that inherited from Command type.

Command is a Listener child, so it is also stored in “Listeners” folder:

Folder structure

Step-by-step Guide

  1. Create a class named with “Command" pattern and place it in "Listeners" folder or its subfolders:
namespace MyTelegramBot.Listeners {
    public class StartCommand : Command {}
  1. Add the constructor with Bot parameter and its triggers (Names property) array:
namespace MyTelegramBot.Listeners {
    public class StartCommand : Command {
        public StartCommand(Bot bot): base(bot) {
            Names = new string[]{"/start", "/starting", "!start"};
  1. Override Run() or RunAsync() methods where you put your business logic:
namespace MyTelegramBot.Listeners {
    public class StartCommand : Command {
        public StartCommand(Bot bot): base(bot) {
            Names = new string[]{"/start", "/starting", "!start"};
        public override string Run(Context context, CancellationToken cancellationToken)
            // Here you put your business logic
            return "Welcome! Press /help to see my functions.";
  1. Add the command object to bot listeners array in /Source/Bot.cs constructor and pass this as a parameter:
        public Bot()
            Listeners = new List<Listener> {
                new StartCommand(this),
                new HelpCommand(this),
                // TODO: Put more commands and other listeners.
  1. Complete! Now you can start your bot and test your new command!